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Part B – Medical Coverage

Medicare Part B is sometimes referred to as medical insurance and covers certain physician services, outpatient care, medical supplies, and preventive care.  Other services covered include mental health services, X-rays and lab tests, Chiropractic care when manipulation of the spine is medically necessary to fix a subluxation of the spine (when one or more of the bones of the spine move out of position), and select prescription drugs, including immunosuppressant drugs, some anti-cancer drugs, some anti-emetic drugs, some dialysis drugs, and drugs that are typically administered by a physician.  Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers blood you get as a hospital outpatient.  

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Contact Q & A Group

New Field

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665 N Swan Rd

Tucson, Arizona 85711

Office Hours:

Mon – Thu: 9am – 4:30 pm
Fri: 9am – 4pm


Tucson Medicare Insurance - Health Insurance - Annuities

Phone 520-584-0005

Toll Free 1-866-584-0055

Fax 520-584-1225